Roma, Italy

Roma, Italy

Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 6- The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church, otherwise known as the Roman Catholic Church is considered to have played a huge role in western civilization. Because it is prominatly originated in Rome, Italy more specifically The Vatican City, it is obvious that Italy itsself is filled with many Catholic practicing families. After all, if The Pope lived inside your country I believe it would be a more rich belief and religious community. On the other hand, Catholisism and its ways have spread all the way to the United States and other countries such as Ireland and the Dominican Republic. People travel all the way to the Vatican City to see the man who helps them believe, The Pope.
Personally, I believe that it is easier to be a part of the religious aspect of the Catholic Church when living or brought up in Italy, or more specifically. Being here, has made me very religious. Since I have visited Vatican City and seen its beautiful history dating back to over 2,000 years ago, I come to enjoy, respect and even believe in the Catholic ways. However, that can either be a bonus or a negative for every individual. For me, seeing is believing. Although The Pope is not God, for me he is the closest to representing the Christian ways, and beliefs.
I believe in the United States, people in general are not as religious in the 21st century. Whether it is only my town or the country as a whole, I am not qualified to state however, I believe people in the United States focus on other things more than religion. Thus, being Catholic is not as common and straightforward as it is here in, Rome. If more Americans visited the Vatican City and witnessed the Pope talking to them, I believe their religion would have a bigger impact on their lives.
My beliefs revolve around believing that Roman Catholisism is indeed Global. However, visitng the city or living in Rome can have a large impact and add to personal beliefs. People indeed practice Catholisism everywhere, and to each church their own. Some individuals do not need to see proof to have a belief. On the other hand, others do. Globilized, yes. More certain in Rome, indeed.


  1. i definitly agree it's a lot easier to follow the Catholic beliefs while here. Pretty much everywhere you visit it revolves around religion in some way. I think the pope strengthened my beliefs too.

  2. Like I mentioned in my blog, and you stated as well, it's easier to avoid and overlook religion while in the United States. We have such an abundance of different cultures, religions, and belief sets - people hardly ever ask what religion others are.
    While in Italy, I've noticed that it's more or less assumed that the majority of the people in it are Catholic. The tourists as well, which we can see entering churches and basilicas and buying crosses and rosaries, can be assumed to be Catholic. It is certainly easier here to see the Catholic Church, for it is definitely more apparent.
    I wonder though, if we weren't concentrating on seeing churches and didn't have our visit to Vatican City - do you think we'd still have the Catholic Experience, or a more secular one like we have in the US?

  3. I agree with you that growing up here would deffiantly make it easier to be Catholic and live out the faith. Before coming here I had faith and a Cathloic background but it was and still is shakey, however, after being here for 6 weeks now my faith is becoming a little more stable. I think it is becoming stable from the surroundings here and how the Italians here live out their faith.

  4. I like that you believe that the Catholic Church is a global institution, but at the same time, it is stronger in Rome. I agree! If I were raised in Rome instead of Ohio, it would be much more likely that I would be Catholic instead of Protestant. I also agree with you when you said that it is much easier to overlook religion in the United States. Many people are focused on things other than their faith. Like you said, if more of those people would travel to Rome and see the things that we did, I'm sure their faith would become a larger part of their lives.

  5. Everyone seems to have made the observation that most people here are Catholic. I would agree that it is “easier” to be Catholic in Italy; particularly, in the Vatican and Rome area. I believe that this is because of all the great basilicas and the Popes presence as most everyone can agree; however, I feel the main reason there is so much support is because so much revenue comes from the Church. If the Church is not prospering then few in Italy will.
